Sunday 7 December 2014


我是从2012年七月底开始接触并修习心灵法门的。2010年的时候,跟很多妇女一样,我妻子在生了宝宝以后变得有点忧郁,时常因为觉得孤单无助而 哭泣,再加上那个时候我也不太喜欢自己的工作,所以经常回到家就抱怨且精神紧张,我和妻子开始争吵不断,有时候甚至为了很小的事情也吵得不可开交。
我的妻子当时非常低落,所以她开始试着了解然后不久就开始念经了。她念经后我马上就发现了她的变化,她变得安静了许多,而且也不再哭泣,感觉她轻松 了许多。有一天她告诉我,“Mattia,我决定成为一名佛教徒,因为我终于找到回家的路了,以前我像一个迷路的小孩,现在我知道我的家在哪里了。那里有 我的妈妈观世音菩萨,她在等着我回家。”我说好的,没问题。
从那以后,我开始每天念诵经文,念小房子,许大愿然后修心修行。有一天我的妻子告诉我她决定像其他佛教徒一样吃全素,然后跟我解释了为什么吃素,我 说,好的,但是我想再等等。随着时间的推移,我也开始减少吃肉的日子(实际上我2003年就不吃鱼了),观音菩萨帮我改变想法终于有一天我说:“欢,我也 决定终身吃素了!”她虽然很惊奇但同时也很高兴我能下这样的决定。从那时候开始,我就不再吃肉并且很高兴自己做了这样的决定。首先这个世界上会少一点对肉 食的需求,那就会少一些动物被屠杀和虐待,其次我感觉自己的身体更健康,心也更快乐,你看,实际上我什么都没少。我真的希望有一天大家都能通过录像看到那 些动物是如何被屠杀的,然后每个人都能吃素。
当我们决定来加拿大的时候,当年超过1000个的签证申请中只有20个名额,虽然机会不多,但我还是想试试(我的妻子比较担心我们拿不到名额)。但 是我告诉她。“试试吧,我们递了资料就念经祈求,观音菩萨肯定会帮助我们的。”然后我们开始念准提神咒,就在8月4号那天我获得了签证。
就在我们离开意大利到加拿大那天,在机场办票后我把所有文件都放在一个包里。然后我再拿的时候就找不到了,我开始担心,到处都找遍了也没找到。我当 时以为被偷了,所以绝望得差点哭了。我只有去找警察,当我去找警察的时候,我的妻子开始向观音菩萨祈求,求菩萨保佑我们找到东西。结果我还没走到警察办公 室,我妻子就电话告知我已经找到了!就在一刻,我高兴得心都快跳出来了。
还有一次,我梦到以前在意大利的同事叫我去参加天主教弥撒。他们叫我一起去祈祷,我说,“不,谢谢,我是佛教徒,所以我不能去。”这时候我身旁一位 穿蓝色衣服的女士笑着对我说,“我知道你是佛教徒,你是跟着观世音菩萨修习心灵法门的。”我问她怎么知道的,她回答说,“我从你的眼睛里就看出来了。”第 二天,我把这事告诉了我的妻子,她说我做梦前几天曾祈求观世音菩萨帮助我增强定力和信力,因为那时候我功课做得很少,所以这个梦让我得到加持让我更精进。
成为佛教徒然后跟着观音菩萨念经改变了我的人生,自从我念经后我发现我的生活变得更好,我也更快乐。现在我在温哥华住了大概有一年半,自从我决定来 这里,观音菩萨便事无巨细的一直帮助我。当初离开意大利的时候因为未知的前途心里是有点担心的,但同时我也很平静因为我知道观音菩萨一直跟我在一起,所以 无论遇到什么困难都会没事的,事实也确实如此。
Good afternoon,  Dharma friends,
My name is Mattia, and I am originally from Italy. Today I would like to share some of my experience with you about my studies of Guanyin Citta Dharma Door.
My studies on Guanyin Citta Dharma Door and Buddhism began in late July 2012.  In 2010, my baby was born.  Just like many first-time mom after giving birth, my wife was a little depressed and often cried and complained that .no one helped her.  At that time, I was also not happy with my work and I came home complaining about my job and being very nervous. That led to many quarrels between me and my wife; we quarreled frequently, even over very small things.
One day a girl who lives in Australia (a former student of Master Lu), talked with my wife on the Internet. She said: “Why don’t you try to look at this website and learn something about Buddhism.  Master Lu and Guan Yin Bodhisattva had helped many people and they can help you too.  Give it a try”.
My wife, who was very upset at that time, started to do research on Guanyin Citta Dharma Door and began to pray and read sutras and mantras soon after.  I noticed that she changed immediately— she was quieter, didn’t cried anymore and felt more relaxed.  One day she told me: “Mattia, I decided to become a Buddhist, because I found my way home at last. I was just like a little girl lost in the middle of the world before and now I know where my home is. I know where my mom (Guan Yin Bodhisattva) is waiting for me!”  And I said okay, no problem!  She said to me: “You could try to pray too and it’s good for you.  You could also look at some videos of Master Lu, which helps you understand better”.
And so I did it as I thought if it works for her it may work for me too.
When I first saw the videos of Master Lu subtitled in English, I said to myself: “Wow, this man is really powerful” and I was stunned. He made me believe Guan Yin Bodhisattva truly exists.
A few days later, I said to my wife: “I decide to become a Buddhist just like you. I thought I finally found out the religion that is right for me”.  Many years ago, I was already interested in Buddhism but at that time I did not have the chance to start; but now I felt from deep inside of me that it was the right time to begin.
From then on, I started performing recitations daily, reciting Little Houses, making great vows and performing life liberations.  One day my wife told me she has decided to become a vegetarian as all Buddhists and explained to me why, I said, ok, but I want to wait a little bit. Then as days passed I also started eating less and less meat (I quit eating fish since 2003), Guanyin Bodhisattva helped me to change my mind and one day I said: “Huan, I decide to become a vegetarian all my life, too,” and she was surprised but at the same time she was very happy to hear these words.  Since then, I have not eaten any meat and have been very happy with my choice.  First, because there is less demand in the world and fewer animals are abused and killed, and second because I feel much better physically and I’m happy, I do not miss it at all.  I really wish that one day everyone could see the videos of how animals are killed and abused so that people would understand that everyone should become a vegetarian.
I would like now to share with you some unforgettable experiences:  when we decided to come to Canada, only 20 places out of the 1000 visas quota to Italian citizens for that year, but I wanted to apply anyway (my wife was worried we couldn’t make it), but I told her, “let’s try, we submit all documents and pray, you’ll see that Guan Yin Bodhisattva will help us”, then we began to pray Chun Ti Shen Chou, and I received the visa on August 4th, the same day as Master Lu’s Birthday!
On the day of departure for Canada, at the airport after check-in, I put all the documents in a case.  Later I wanted to take them out, but suddenly I couldn’t find them inside the case. I started to worry. I’ve looked everywhere for it but I couldn’t find them, so I thought we had them stolen and I was desperate, I almost cried. I went to the police at the airport. As I was going to the police, my wife started to pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for helping us find the documents. Before I arrived at the police office, she called me and yelled: “I found them!!!”  At that moment, I almost had a heart attack.  I was so happy then!!!
From this moment, I realized that Guan Yin Bodhisattva really exists and she is always with me.  Even though I cannot see her, she is always ready to help when I really need help, which is amazing.  Because of this specific experience, I have more faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva and in the power of prayers of the GuayinCitta Dharma Door.
Usually, I am a person who dreams a little, and even if I do, I don’t remember what I dreamed. But I had two unforgettable dreams that I want to tell: when I just started to pray, I dreamed that my wife, my daughter, and I were in heaven in the middle of colorful clouds that are pink and orange, there was a spiral staircase made of cloud and Guan Yin Bodhisattva took us by the hand and told us “Come on.”  Another time, I dreamed that I was in the place where I worked before in Italy and my colleagues called me to attend the Catholic Mass on that day. They said to me “come to pray with us” and I said “no thanks, I don’t come because I’m a Buddhist.” And just at that moment, there was a woman beside me who I didn’t know. She was in a blue shirt, smiling, and said, “I know you’re a Buddhist, you follow and pray Guan Yin Bodhisattva” and I replied, “How do you know? “And then she told me:” I see from your eyes. ” The day after, I talked to my wife about the dream .She told me that a few days before she had prayed to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for helping me and getting me to engage more in prayer, because at that time I prayed very little,.I had this dream and it helps push me even harder in prayer.
Becoming a Buddhist and praying to Guan Yin Bodhisattva every day has changed a great deal of my life.  I have gone through a profound life-changing progress since the start of my prayers and I am leading a happier life.  Since I decided to come to Vancouver and have been here for one and a half year, Guan Yin Bodhisattva has been helping me with every little thing.  When I left Italy, I was a bit worried as I didn’t know what to expect ahead of me. However, I was calm because I knew that Guan Yin Bodhisattva would always be with me and that everything would be fine and so it is.
I am very pleased that I have become a Buddhist and I strongly recommend Guan Yin Citta to everyone. Because this is the choice that will change your life, your way of living and your view of seeing things.
Surprisingly, even my parents, who are Italians, have become Buddhists and begun to pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva. When Master Lu was in Rome at the end of March this year, my parents took five hours’ train to Rome to participate in the conference despite of their ages. And they felt so happy.
Yesterday, I officially became a student of Master Lu, and I promised to follow his teachings and to pray to Guan Yin Bodhisattva forever, and I’m happy and proud of it.
Finally, I would like to thank Master Lu for what he has done and continues to do every day for the welfare of other people., and I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva.
Thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. 结婚已经3年了,还是无法生出自己的孩子,让老公失望,曾经和老公想过去领养孩子,但是听到朋友们说一家代孕服务非常好彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,我也去尝试了,非常值得,他们拥有多语种工作人员和最好的代孕妈妈给你选择,绝对可以生出你想要的孩子,这家代孕绝对值得您相信,欢迎来询问哟。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
